Author Business Tools

The Business Side of Being an Author

The business side of of being an author can be bewildering, time-consuming, and frustrating. Gabriel Mercer presents ways to

  • keep tract of expenses and income to generate a business profit and loss 
  • pre-formatted spreadsheets for you to download and use
  • a straightforward explanation of UTMs, how to use them, and how to keep track

With the right tools managing the business side of being an independent author becomes simpler. All that is necessary is keeping track on a regular basis. 

​This presentation was part of the 24-hour Indie Author Fringe conference presented by ALLI the Alliance of Independent Authors.

The Time is Now

If you are a new author, the time to get these business systems in place is now. I call these activities “creating the baskets.” As your business grows you’ll

  • write more books
  • create more newsletters
  • send more emails
  • create ad campaigns

With your tools in place, each time you create a new action, you’ll be ready to keep track of all your activities–the books you publish, the expenses you incur, the income you receive–to know your bottom line profitability.

​Zara Altair

​Copy the P&L Sheet to Your Google Sheets 

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